
Your resume is the perfect opportunity to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate that you have what they are looking for. No matter what kind of job you are looking for, these tips will help you approach, design and put the finishing touches on your resume.


1. It's not about you
Don't tell an employer what you want, and don't tell them your life story. tell them how you can add value to their company. Any skill or experience you include on your resume should be relevant. If it's not relevant, leave it off. What skills and characteristics is the employer looking for? Make a list, circle the ones you can offer, and create a resume that shows off those traits and experiences.

2. Be outside the box
Does a job call for "outside the box thinking?" Simply saying you fit that description doesn't demonstrate your ability to be creative. Use your resume as an opportunity to show how creatively you can approach challenges.

3. Pick your tools
Everyone knows Microsoft Word, and most people use it to create their resumes. But what if the job requires you to know Adobe Suite or Power Point? Then why not use one of these soft-wares to design your resume?

4. Portfolios aren't just for artists
If you have relevant work experience and the documentation to prove it. Package it up nicely and send it in along with your resume. It will demonstrate your skills in a way that a resume never can. It will also make the interview go more smoothly because you will have something to look at together.


5. Your font
Your font sets the tone and says something about who you are. If this position requires lots of number crunching. You should probably choose a San Serif Font. If it involves research and writing, an elegant serif font is probably best. Whatever the case may be, there is probably a preferable alternative to Times New Roman, which is by far the most common resume font.

6. Practice gun control
This is a resume and not a machine gun. Take it easy with the bullet points. The human brain can only process tow or three bullet point at a time. Don't use a bulleted list to describe a job. Instead try a tow or three sentence paragraph explaining how it developed your skills. If you want to add success stories or metrics, then add a couple bullet points.

7. Use space effectively
Potential employers don't spend much time on each resume. Don't waste space, or your potential employer's attention, on things like your street address or hobbies. Also, truly effective communicators sould be albe to get the point across in one page.



8. Remove the hyper-link from your email address
If you don't, it's going to look weird when it's printed out.

9. Convert your resume file to a PDF before emailing it
Make sure your resume looks the same to everyone that opens it by converting it to a PDF or something like a JPG or PNG where appropriate.

10. Remember, there are no rules
The more that everyone else abides by the same resume format, the more opportunity there is to stand out by doing something creative.

Great resume tips! Why not try to create job applications?

13 Life Realities of Chemist

See around and you will find the mammoth contributions of great chemists like Robert Boyle, Marie Curie, John Dalton and Alfred Noble, which helped in medicine, fertilizer and constructions to make our lives better and richer.

Chemist's life requires dedication, sacrifice and adaptability as possessed by the pioneers of this field, which only comes with perseverance and time.

If you are new in this field than following realities will be a guiding light to you.

1. Creativity, carefulness and productivity are the basic ingredients of a chemist

 2. They analyse the basic properties of matter, formulate theories and prove them with experiments.

 3. Over 60 percent if chemist time is spend in the lab or in-front of computers, analyzing the data

4. Team work skills are essential in this field because most work is done in teams

5. We know chemist as a general, but mostly chemist are specialized in specific field, like forensic chemist, clandestine chemist, oil refinery chemist and more.

6. Chemist work closely with other experts like chemical engineers, academic specialist, sales force, biologist etc

7. They can tell you if a metal is real or not

8. They don't spend a lot of time hanging out with other chemists, but do spend a lot of time reading about them. History of is full of chemist who were self taught like Marie Curie, John Dalton, Michael Faraday.

9. They are challenged, excited and satisfied with the profession.  The challenges , unthinkable possibilities to work on always keep them on their toes and keeps them satisfied with profession

 10. They have to work on their interpersonal skills as well to get better jobs.

 11. They have vast field to grow, expand and discover new horizons

 12. They spend their whole life in research.

 13. Their eyes are always on future and how to make it better

Physics Gifs To Make Students Speechless

Physics is amazing. The discoveries and inventions are so awesome that it keeps you wondering is there an end to it.
Here are some Gifs that will keep you thinking for hours.

Hydrophobic water

This liquid is water mixed with aero-gel powder.

Lightning striking a power-line!

Luck or good physics?

Non Newtonian fluid are perplexing, as they are fluids which really don’t behave how fluids classically do

Cockroach Defies Physics

Spider cat

Science has gone too far

Refractive Indexes and Invisibility (A real-life magic trick)

Flying cat

You can only defy physics for so long

Physics Master

Glowing pendulums

Bubble freezing at -10° F

Students: These 5 must read Books will Make Your Life Awesome

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” Charles William Eliot

Books have helped people to raise from rags to riches, from dipression to happiness, from anxiety to relaxation, from worry to achievement, from negative attitude to positive attitude. They truly have power to change the course of life and the history.

Here is the list of some books that will not only help you in studies but will guide you in every walk of life.
So lets begin our journey with

1.Push to the front by Orison Swett Marden
An inspiring book that will help you to push your self forward and toward success. Waiting in line will never work you must act. This book is full of quotes and interesting anecdotes from the life of great achievers that will keep you on your toes from start till the end. Follow the advices in this great book and you will not only bestowed with confidence but success as well.

2.Success through a positive mental attitude by Nepoleon hill
This book has really helped me in times of frustrations. It has shown me a right path and has given me to power to make right decisions regarding my relations, studies, jobs. A truly masterpiece which will be a coach to you and shower you with real life events of Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford, Abraham Lincoln and many more.

3.How to develop a super power memory by Harry Lorayne
This book explains three memory systems: Link, Peg and Substitute words. It will be a seed for your memory from which will germinate the fruits of confidence, better grades, productivity, interest in studies and better believes about your own memory. A lucid guide which will improve your memory capacity tenfold. A must read for students.

4. How to win friends and Influence Peoples by Dale Carnegie
We think that we need to win friends and influence peoples only in business or practical life, but that's not correct. A student needs it as much as any one. This amazing book will make you master in communication and with real life examples which will strength your believe in these techniques. You will learn: 

* Three fundamental techniques in handling people
* The six ways to make people like you
* The twelve ways to win people to you way of thinking
* The nine ways to change people without arousing resentment

5. How to stop worring and start living by Dale Carnegie
"Those who don't know how to fight worry, die young." There comes a time in student life when the demon of worry haunts us. We feel paralyzed by it getting stressed and depressed and losing control of our life, and that's the time when this book will come to your help. It offers practical formulas that you can put to work today and these formulas will last a life time. Learn:

* Fundamental facts about worry
* How to break the worry habit before it will break you
* Seven ways to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness
* How to keep from worrying about criticism and much more

There is no sequence to study these books. Each book individually carries the strength to make your life happier and success. But the question is how committed you are?

Chemistry behind the Aroma of Books

Many students go through chemistry classes without knowing its practical implications, due to which they think chemistry as boring and useless.

But if we study deeply we will know that chemistry applications are every where from edibles to huge structures, which make you wonder what makes it stand. But when you know the hand behind it is chemistry all of your school education that you thought useless now starts to make some sense.

Lets take books for example. We use them for variety of purposes like: as pillow, writing, making planes and not to mention the sniffing to take the taste of smell.Some times the smell is pleasant and sometimes not. Have you ever wondered what causes this smell?

Here is the answer.
Books, both new and old , will give off a several hundred Volatile Organic Compounds. These mixes have variety of roots. Some are the results of Degradation, whilst others are the result of the kind of paper, binding adhesive and printing ink utilized as a part of the production of the book. The outflow of these mixes can likewise be utilized as a tool to assess degradation and condition of books.

New Books

The odour of new book is contributed by a mix of volatile chemical which originate from the adhesive, ink, and paper treatment methods used in the book.
These are explained below.
Modern day book binding adhesives are often based on 'co-polymers' such as Vinyl Acetate Ethylene. Some VOCs may originate from these compounds.

Vinyl Acetate Ethylene

2.Paper and Ink:
In paper making process, the desired properties of paper are achieved by treating it with variety of chemicals. Some of these chemicals could contribute to the release of VOCs. Furthermore, petrochemicals used as solvents for ink can also contribute.

Alkyl ketene dimer

Hydrogen peroxide

Old Books

Over time, the gradual breakdown of the cellulose and lignin contained in paper prompts the generation of substantial numbers of different organic compounds.
What are these compounds?
1.Benzaldehyde have almond like odour

2.Vanillin have vanilla like smell

3.Ethyl benzene and toluene have sweet odours

4.2-Ethyl Hexanol have slightly floral smell


No single chemical causes the odour of books. It's a result of a complex blend of volatile chemicals produced by chemical utilized in their production, as well as the gradual degradation of the chemicals inside the paper.

10 Commandments of Engineering Students

Discipline is power and discipline comes with rules. If someone has achieved something than he/she should have followed some rules. We have listen 10 Commandments of engineering students that we found in most successful peoples. By incorporating them in your self you can also become happy and successful.

Say no to rote learning

Remember: A stuffed mind in not an educated mind

Learn by doing

"The best way of learning about anything is by doing" Richard Branson

Focus on your strengths but check your weaknesses

Try to convert your weaknesses in to your strength

Have a dream

Work hard and dream big.

Develop a useful hobby

Like Swimming, gardening, painting, writing, reading etc.

Learn to work in teams

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

Learn life skills too

Confidence, Persistence, Leadership, Responsibility, Decision making, Communication etc

Understand the power of networking

A simple hello could lead to million things.

Plan for a career, not a job

Only a good career can promise a handsome job

Strive for excellence

"Be so good they can't ignore you" Steve Martin

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